mandag den 4. april 2011

a little bit of danish from a traveling dane

Jeg har valgt at lave mig at oplæg på dansk, bare for at gøre noget lidt sprælsk! Ja simpelthen, jeg er en oprørsk ung kvinde sådan bare at gå dansk. Jeg tager mig selv i at snakke som en gammel kone, men er gået helt væk fra normalt dansk.

Jeg har super travlt for tiden med cheerleading før skole, skole og derefter softball practice eller games, og har derfor forsømt hjemmefronten lidt i følge Sigrid Biener. Jeg har min cheer konkurrence her på lørdag i en stor forlystelsespark og jeg glæder mig ekstremt meget. Vi starter med at tage derud tidlig lørdag morgen, gøre klar og så videre. Derefter optræder vi og bliver bedømt, og så har vi ellers resten af dagen i forlystelsesparken med resten af cheer holdene. Det bliver amazing!

Softball går også rigtig godt og jeg elsker hele kampånden som minder mig lidt om håndboldånden som jeg savner utroligt meget! Vi spiller i gule trøjer, jeg er nummer 8 og vi råber og skriger på sidelinjen (præcis som i birkerød)- what more can i ask for ??

Skolen går også rigtig godt! jeg har ikke de vildeste svære fag, mere kreative musicklasser osv.

Familen er stadig fantastisk og jeg har svært ved at skulle forestille mig ikke at være under samme tag med dem. Jeg er utrolig glad for at jeg havnede i den her familie og jeg begynder mere og mere at tro på hele det der meant to be pis :D

Men men men ja jeg savner Danmark selvom Oklahoma er noget så herligt! jeg savner min kære familie, min kære venner og veninder, den gode gammeldags mad, den smukke natur, de smukke bygninger ååååå jeg kan blive ved! Noget som louisa og jeg har lært at sætte pris på er hvor smukke vores lande er!

Ting jeg glæder mig til når jeg kommer hjem er at se min smukke niece Mira, alt det overstående og cykle på min cykel!

ting jeg vil savne her er sports, venner, famile, min lille mand hihi, fried food osv..

Okay undskyld det rodede indlæg! men jeg knaldede bare alt ud hvad jeg lige kunne komme i tanke om i en stor pærevælling !!! godnat og sov godt

mandag den 21. februar 2011


"America is making me in to you Beth Ditto!"

"Andrea don't blame it on America, blame it on your love of food!"

"True oh well.. Go to hell Beth Ditto"

conversation with my inner Beth Ditto

onsdag den 9. februar 2011

next year !

Det frie Gymnasium (The Free Upper Secondary School) is a democratic school providing an alternative educational environment.  It is an independent institution that was established in 1970 and it consists of 8th, 9th and 10th grade, gymnasium (upper secondary school), hf (condensed upper secondary school) and hf-enkeltfag (seperate courses at upper secondary level). The school is run in accordance with the regulations of the school and the legislation concerning private gymnasiums and independent schools.

At Det frie Gymnasium our finest aim is to develop your awareness of history, your aesthetic sensibility, your critical attentiveness and your pleasure in thinking.

This is the place for me, I really hope there's a spot for me and there's a possibility that I can attend there next year !

have a beautiful day


Hey ya'll ! The winter finally hit Oklahoma - unfortunately! But I kinda like it though. Last week we got out of school Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday and Friday because of snow and ice on the roads. My hostfamily and I made snowicecream, watched movies, played in the snow and slept in. When saturday rolled in we could drive on the roads again, and we went to sooner mall just to get out of the house.

Today is Wednesday and there is no school, because we got another blizzard!

mandag den 31. januar 2011


I think you all desereve a little update from me in America! The time flies by like crazy and I find it very hard to sit down and take time to post pictures and write - and I don't wanna do it half if you guys know what I mean.

Well I'm gonna start with my hostfamily. I live in a big house in a really nice housing edition in Blanchard, Oklahoma with Emily, (mom) Brent, (dad) Matthew, (oldest brother 18) Kennedy, (sister 15) Olivia, (sister 15, 2 min. younger than Kennedy) Zachary, (youngest brother 9) Georgia, (youngest sister 5) Louisa (sister 15 exchangestudent from Germany) + 4 dogs, 1 cat and a guinea pig. I love being in a big family! It might seem very crowded with so many people in one house, but it doesn't feel like it at all. Thanks to Emily who is a fantastic cordinater!

Next thing I want to tell you guys about is school. Emily drops Louisa and I of at Dibble High School at 8.10 and we usually have ten minutes or so to talk with friends before the bell rings and we go to first hour. Here is my schedule 1# World history 2# English 3# Show choir 4# Humanity (lunch) 5# Music History 6# Career 7# baseball (off saeson) 

I also have some other activities I do after or before school: I do co-ed cheer leading tuesday-thursday, a FCCLA fashion-design program and last semester I joined the school musical (Annie)

Besides school and acitivities I hang out with friends, family, go to ballgames, go shopping and so on. My attitude about this year is to experience as much as possible and that keep me pretty busy so once again I'm sorry for the missing update!

tirsdag den 18. januar 2011

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista

Here is some pictures from my sunday + monday with Marissa! She picked me up in her new car here in Blanchard and we had a long talk about everything, went to the movies (Black Swan), Shopping and so on! We also talked about our roadtrip in Europe and about Roskilde Festival, can't wait to see what the future is gonna bring lol ! Love you girl

1+2 from Blanchard downtown
3 Marissa with wheels
4 the runaways the moviw, Karl lagerfeld diet, fruit for breakfast
5 inspiration
6 Marissa and her baby
7 breakfast
8 Driving !
9 5 hours of energy (couldn't sleep at night because of that thing !)

"I don't listen to anyone except my ... inner child anyway. If someone had said to me, Amy, lose a stone - which they wouldn't - I don't think I would have listened anyway."
Amy Winehouse lifelesson

fredag den 7. januar 2011

Del City

Here is some of my pictures from Del City!

The first couple of pictures are from Del City High School homecoming and rest of them are from some good times with Marissa and Jazz - miss those girls!

There's some pictures from a coffeehouse we went to (Cuppies&Joe's) - charming little place with live jazz nd nice people

The rest of them are from my last day in DC - I went to Marissa's house in the morning.. we ordered a taxi spontaneously and drove to Plaza street. It's a little shopping street with vintage, art, coffehouses and so on! We got our hair done at Velvet Monkey and after that we just walked around and enjoyed the rest of the day!

There will be new pictures from DC very soon, cause Marissa is gonna pick me up in her new car next weekend yaaeh !

Enjoy the weekend

søndag den 2. januar 2011

cheap monday

flash back

Cheap Monday's fall collection 2010; these pictures makes me miss Scandinavian fashion. Well it's all about the solution and I found one! have some of there pieces, and they do have stuff that reminds me of more European style. I have already received one package from them and I was very pleased with what i got! is pretty good too and it's not very expensive! I feel very inspired today - something is going to happen? hmm i think a wanna paint or draw now lol..

Have a beautiful day